The Life of a Commuter

Well, this is my final ONU blog for the semester and though I never saw myself as a blogger, blogging about my life here at Ohio Northern University was more fun than I expected. For this final blog, I want to talk about my life as a commuter over the past two years. I don't regret commuting to school because I saved money and this was something I wanted to do, but sometimes I wish I had more of an experience on campus.

My commute to and from school each day was a ten to fifteen-minute drive each way, but sometimes I had no desire to make this commute even with it being such a short drive. I loved having my own space at home with anything I wanted, but it would have been nice to get to experience living with a roommate and doing all of the normal activities most college students do. Waking up in the morning and realizing I had to drive to campus for class and then I had to drive back home that night. Doing this five times a week was a bit tiring at times and I felt like I was missing out on hanging with friends in the evenings or weekends.

Thankfully, I only had to do this for two years and this fall I will be living off-campus in a house with some of my good friends. I am excited about this because I think it will allow me to create new relationships with more people and I will be on campus more than I have ever been before since I will be so close. Even though it is boring, I would recommend commuting to school for the first year or two to anyone looking to save money if you are close enough to do so. However, you will realize how much you missed in such a short amount of time but, just because you are a commuter, doesn't mean you can't get the same experience if you keep yourself involved because I have made many friends, but I still feel like I could have done more!


  1. I felt like this in high school. I live in northeast Toledo and I decided to go to St. John's Jesuit which about 25 minutes across the city in the south west part of Toledo. I guess commuting in college you miss out on the crazy, weirdness of dorm life but honestly you did not miss much. I feel similarly to you but I will be living in an apartment on campus which is much better than the dorms.

  2. I never thought about how much commuters miss out on since they go home each night. Honestly, there were some night I wish I could have just drove home but wasn't able to. But, you probably made the right decision because in the long run that probably saved you so much money. I hope you have a good time living off campus with your friends this year!


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