ONU Life/Summer #2

It is hard to believe in the fall, I will be a senior in college! It has gone by so fast, and I am fortunate enough to be graduating a year early if everything goes as planned. Even before I graduated from Allen East High School in 2019, I knew this is where I wanted to go to school and, I am glad I made this decision. Taking College Credit Plus classes in high school has saved me so much time and money, allowing me to be as far as I am today. 

Looking back on my past two years of college, I have realized how many relationships and connections I have built with people because of Ohio Northern University. The professors and my colleagues who have prepared me for the world outside of college are people I will appreciate forever. Club soccer was also another opportunity for me to build relationships with people doing something I loved.

Dr. Lambdin has played a role in helping me secure an internship this summer as well as learning the key aspects of what to do when creating a resume, cover letter, interviewing, and networking. By learning and applying what I have been taught regarding these things, I have had a boost of confidence when it comes to interacting with individuals or groups. Dr. Aggie has also been a huge help as my advisor, taking the time to help me plan out the rest of my courses for my remaining semesters has helped me set a path to reaching my goal of receiving my diploma.

Every faculty member in the Dicke College of Business Administration I have interacted with has played a role in my future and I would recommend this University to anyone. I am excited to see what my last year of college has to offer but, for now, I am going to continue to network and build as many relationships as I can because I have no idea what the future holds for me but, I know there will be something out there for me!


  1. Hi Christian, congrats on being a senior! I can agree on how wonderful the faculty is at ONU. Good luck to you and your future!

  2. Hi! I love that you always knew that you wanted to go to ONU. I was not that fortunate and had a tough time making a decision. But I am glad that I chose here! I had Dr. Lambdin this past year for TREX class and he was great. Dr. Aggie is pretty awesome too ;) I mean, pretty much all the professors at ONU are. Good luck with senior year and everything else. I'm sure you will do great!

  3. Congratulations on being a senior! It is awesome that you were able to get in college credits while still in high school allowing you to graduate early! I couldn't agree more on the impact of the professors within the Dicke college. All them want to get to know you and make you an active student both inside and outside the classroom making it an incredible experience. Good luck this year and don't let capstone drag you down!


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