My First Time Podcasting

I created my first ever podcast! This is something I have never done before and I honestly had no idea how to do it. I am familiar with editing software since I am a videographer but not any podcasting software, so this was new to me. It did not take me long to get it figured out, but I can't say I had the best time since I hate listening to my voice and this assignment required me to do that over and over. At least I tried something new, and I can say I have now done one podcasting episode and who knows, maybe I will step out of my comfort zone and do more podcasts.

I did my podcast over "Negativity in Social Media." This is something that I see a lot of daily, so it was not too difficult to research and talk about. I discussed six negative effects of social media and I think most of these are overlooked and people don't realize what they are doing to themselves by spending all that time on social media! I have overlooked some of these mentioned in my podcast and I have noticed how much it has affected me as a person.

It is very easy to get caught up in social media, avoiding face-to-face interactions with other people. Some individuals are stuck behind their screens, not allowing themselves to grow because they are stuck scrolling through the various social media platforms. I have been one of these individuals, and it is okay. Doing this assignment has made me realize how much I am on my phone or laptop, and this has given me a new perspective to want to become a better person.

Here is the link to my podcast if you want to take the time to learn more!

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