ONU Life/Summer #1

COVID-19 affected so many people in so many ways and I know for me it really affected how I learned over this past year. Things are slowly starting to return to normal and s the first session of summer classes begin I am looking back at what I have done since I took my last final of the 2021 Spring Semester on May 6th. This is making me realize how quickly summer is flying by since it has already been three weeks since we have been out of classes. This semester started off a little rocky for me, but I was able to recover a bit towards the end. It is not how I wanted to leave the semester academic wise, but it was still nothing to complain about and now it is all over!

I was fortunate enough to take a trip to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico with my girlfriend as soon as the semester ended. This was a much-needed trip because this semester STRESSED me out. I spent a whole week relaxing by the pool and hanging out on the beach. I also was able to take a catamaran to the island Isla Mujeres or also known as "Island of Women" to learn some of the history of the island as well as a golf cart ride around the island. This trip seemed to last a very short time because before I knew it, I was back in Ada, Ohio.

The month of June is quickly approaching and ONU has seemed to be quiet so far. I still have a job on campus and am also an intern at the Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance this summer over in Kenton, so I am on campus almost every day. It is weird not being able to see all of my friends since they are back at home for the summer, however I do have a couple of friends in the area still, so it is nice to be able to meet up with them when our schedules allow it.

This summer is looking like it is going to be a great summer filled with lots of walks around the village, late nights in the Kinghorn weight room if the hours are ever changed back to normal and lots of long shifts at work. My schedule so far has been hectic, and I know it is going to get even crazier, but I wouldn't trade getting to hangout around campus this summer for anything!

- Christian 


  1. Hi Christian! I'm so jealous that you got to go to Mexico. It is so beautiful and I can certainly tell from the picture that you had lots of fun! I am also here for the summer and get what you mean by missing your friends because mine are back home too but there's always time to visit them.

  2. That is cool you got to travel to Mexico with the gf. Thankfully with my family this summer we get to go on our family vacation down to the beach in North Carolina in June that we used to do every year. So I know how that feels to just be able to relax and have a good time at the beach with the people you love. I know you said you miss your friends but that's good you are working hard. That's going to pay off in the long run.


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