
Types of Content Media

Hard to believe this is the last week of my principles of social media class. The assignment for this week was to read Chapters 9 and 10 of "Social Media for Strategic Communication." In Chapter 9, I found a lot of information, but I am going to talk about the different types of content media. There are four types of content media discussed in this chapter. Paid media is when the company or advertiser is paying for the content to appear in a timeline for a certain amount of money.  Earned media is a type of media that is not controlled by brands, this makes it more trustworthy and less biased compared to others. Publicity or promotion of content that does not require payment for the content is a good characteristic of this media. Shared media is an interactive medium where conversations and dialogue emerge as the result of the content being shared. Owned media is focused on content and the platform you control as a brand, organization, or person. Content posted is usually fr...

The Life of a Commuter

Well, this is my final ONU blog for the semester and though I never saw myself as a blogger, blogging about my life here at Ohio Northern University was more fun than I expected. For this final blog, I want to talk about my life as a commuter over the past two years. I don't regret commuting to school because I saved money and this was something I wanted to do, but sometimes I wish I had more of an experience on campus. My commute to and from school each day was a ten to fifteen-minute drive each way, but sometimes I had no desire to make this commute even with it being such a short drive. I loved having my own space at home with anything I wanted, but it would have been nice to get to experience living with a roommate and doing all of the normal activities most college students do. Waking up in the morning and realizing I had to drive to campus for class and then I had to drive back home that night. Doing this five times a week was a bit tiring at times and I felt like I was missi...

Avoiding Burnout

For my Week 5 social media blog, I want to discuss an article I found from a blogger named Peg Fitzpatrick. She is the co-author from the book we read earlier this semester, "The Art of Social Media." Her blog is titled "How to Avoid Burnout." I found this to be interesting because in social media today, it is very easy to get burnt out when you are posting daily.  She lists four signs that may mean you are getting burnt out. These include work frustration or excess stress, headaches or stomach aches, emotional exhaustion, and can't focus on work. I have experienced all four of these because when I am on social media for a long time or I have spent hours on technology, I usually experience at least one of these signs. I become frustrated and can't focus on the task at hand. This makes it extremely hard for me to get things done when this happens. I usually force myself to take a small break to relax, and I get back on track with what I was doing after my bre...

Audiences within Social Media

This week our assignment was to read Chapters 7 and 8 from "Social Media for Strategic Communication." Chapter 7 talked about strategic writing for social media, and Chapter 8 talked about audience segmentation and analysis. There was a lot of information in these two chapters, but I want to focus on the types of audiences discussed in Chapter 8. There are two main audiences, the primary audience, and the secondary audience. The primary audience includes individuals you are looking to target first, these people are your main target. The secondary audience can be linked to the primary, but they are not whom you are trying to reach directly. This type of audience can be someone with the potential to persuade the audience you want to reach first. There is also an emerging audience. This is an audience that you want to note as an individual. This can be based on monitoring and listening they perform on social media. This type of audience has the capability of becoming a key prima...

ONU/Summer #4

COVID-19 has finally started to settle down a bit with the recent release of the vaccine. Today, I would like to discuss my experience over the past year at ONU and how it was affected by COVID. I think that ONU did a great job at keeping us in person as much as possible. I understand that it was difficult as soon as it hit us last March when every college in the state was sending people home for the remainder of the semester, but other than that I don't think it could have been done better. For a while, I worried that masks and social distancing were going to be the new normal for the rest of my time here at Ohio Northern University, and at first I hated it because I felt so constricted with what I could do here on campus, but I knew it was in everyone's best interest to wear the mask and follow the rest of the guidelines that were put into place. The online classes in the 2020 Spring semester affected me a lot because they made group projects much more difficult and I felt le...


This week we were given a Pinterest assignment for my principles of social media class. I have never used Pinterest in my life which some people may think is crazy, but I had no idea what was going on. Once I got into this assignment, I had a lot of fun! I never realized how easy it is to organize similar information into a board. We had to pin at least ten relevant things and pick three concepts to connect back to books we read this semester. I went way over and just kept pinning things because I found so many things that related to social media measurement. I picked Hashtags, the SWOT Analysis, and LinkedIn for my three concepts. Hashtags were something I have never really used, but I did not realize how much of an impact they play in social media. Using an article I found on Pinterest and a chapter from Guy Kawasaki's book "The Art of Social Media," I was able to find a bunch of important information on hashtags and why they work so well. Two or three hashtags are reco...

The S.W.O.T. Analysis

For Week 3, our assignment was to read Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of "Social Media for Strategic Communication." There was a lot of material covered in these chapters, but I want to discuss the S.W.O.T. Analysis. Most people are familiar with this type of analysis, but I feel like it is one of the most important analyses a business can perform because it measures your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.  The S.W.O.T. is a crucial analysis to perform if you are looking for ways to improve your business. This can help you outperform your competitors by improving your business in these four categories. The analysis is part of the communication and marketing campaign process, but it is crucial for the social media strategic planning process. Strengths  You want to begin with what you are the best at regarding social media within your organization. These should be things that separate you from your competitors, giving you the advantage over them in specific categories. Th...